MMWEC provides its Members with a range of services to help them develop and manage solar energy resources in their communities. MMWEC helps its Member utilities capture the benefits of the state’s SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Certificate) program by assisting Members with project registration, verification and other requirements.
MMWEC serves as a state-approved aggregator for the SRECs generated by projects in municipal utility communities. An SREC is created for every megawatt hour of electricity produced by a solar project or an aggregation of solar projects. SRECs are sold separate from the electricity they produce. As a non-profit, MMWEC trades and sells the SRECs in bulk at cost. There are nearly 120 solar projects in the MMWEC Solar Aggregate, with a capacity of more than 2.5 megawatts.
As the aggregator, MMWEC registers PV systems in Member territories into the state’s production tracking system, ensuring that meters are properly calculating production and that solar PV project owners receive proper payment.
MMWEC and its Members are leaders in solar technology. In total, they have solar projects with a capacity of more than 54 megawatts. MMWEC can assist its Members in dealing with development of larger projects, identifying power purchase contract, power portfolio and implications of such projects.