MMWEC is subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, found at Chapter 66, Section 10 of the Massachusetts General Laws, which applies to records made or received by Massachusetts governmental entities. Unless the requested records fall under an exemption to the Law, the responsive documents must be made available to the requester. Under MMWEC’s enabling legislation, Chapter 775 of the Acts of 1975, MMWEC is not obligated to disclose trade secrets or commercial or financial information if the corporation determines that such disclosure would adversely affect its ability to conduct business in relation to other suppliers of electric power and energy.
A guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, published by the Secretary of State, can be found at:
MMWEC keeps various records related to its business activities, which include the development, financing, construction and operation of energy facilities for the benefit of its Member and Project Participant municipal utilities. Such records include meeting agendas and minutes, energy contracts and agreements, financial and accounting records, as well as records associated with the operation and maintenance of MMWEC-owned electric generating facilities. Some of these records are available on this MMWEC website.
MMWEC has designated a Records Access Officer to assist the public with obtaining records:
Kate Roy
Director of Communications & External Affairs
MMWEC’s mailing address:
327 Moody St.
Ludlow, MA 01056